Before starting we need to know a little about history.

 First at the age of 711 Muslin conquest the Iberian Peninsula. The Arabic remained in power until the capture of Granada by the catholic monarch in 1942, But some historians mention that a small part of the murders spoke Arabic. In other words, Arabic was spoken only, for prestigious people.

Now did  you hear about the expression "¡Alabín alabán alabín bon ban! " During a sport event, but  what this phrase means? , province of the Arabic expression lla'ibín áyya ba'ád alla'ib bón bád that in Spanish means "jugadores, venga ya, el juego va bien".

Theses the same origin have different expressions and words that we use daily. It's easy to identify most of the words that begin with "AL" that now define the article as el, la, Los,las in the Spanish language.


Almohada(al mihaddah) or albañil (al bannā'), most word that begins with the letter have the same origin, but only the letter "l" is assimilated. As the case with azafrán (al za'farān).

another word is En balde (bāṭil), that in Spanish mean when you put a lot of effort into something without result.

When you were a child your mom usually said if "fulano jump off a balcony you do too?" fulano is an arabism (fulān) which means to refer to someone that we don't know.

when you want to express hope or belief that happened something,in Spanish you said "ojala" which province to Arabism (in sha'a Allah), that means "si dios quisiera"

Would you like to make a tattoo in Arab? 


Jwom1995 said…
Interesante información, soy tu seguidor. Me gusta tu nombre pero te diré DENISSE

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