
Discovering the Legacy of Sumerian Phrases: Insights into One of the World's Earliest Civilizations

 The Sumerian civilization was one of the earliest civilizations in human history, dating back to around 4500 BCE. The Sumerian civilization is long gone, but their language and culture have had a lasting impact on human history. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the most popular Sumerian phrases and what they mean. In this post we write about some phrases which you can use in your daily: 👉 An-na ki-ri-ba : This phrase means "May he come home safe." It was often used by Sumerians to express their concern for loved ones who were traveling or engaged in dangerous activities.  👉 E-nun-gal-la : This phrase means "House of the Great Prince." It was used to refer to the palaces and temples of Sumerian rulers, who were often seen as divine figures. 👉 Kalam-ma kima san-ni :This phrase means "Speak the truth like the sun." It was a reminder to Sumerians to always be truthful and honest in their dealings with other. While these phrases may be unf

"VivoGest" - the vibrant gestures of Italy!

The Italian language is known for its expressiveness, and gestures are an important part of that expression. If you've ever spent time in Italy or with Italians, you've likely noticed their frequent use of hand gestures. In this blog post, we'll explore the use of gestures in Italian culture and language. Italians use gestures to communicate a wide range of emotions, from joy and excitement to frustration and anger. They are used to emphasize a point, clarify meaning, or express an emotion that may not be easily conveyed through words alone.  In fact, some Italians even say that they couldn't speak properly without using gestures! . Some of the most common gestures include: The "OK" sign: Made by forming a circle with the thumb and index finger, this sign means "okay" or "all right.👌 The " chin flick" : Made by placing the tips of the fingers under the chin and flicking them outward, this gesture means "I don't care" or

HI hindu! Exploring differente form of gretting in India

  India is home to over a million people where you find incredible cultural diversity between languages, geographic regions, religious traditions, and social stratifications. There are about 22 different languages and almost hundreds of local languages, and most of the Indian habitats are bilingual or multilingual. English idioms are considered subsidiary and the official language is reserved for commercial and governmental purposes. In India their different form of greats let's see and tell me what is your favorite: NAMASTE: This great meaning (  ‘I greet the divine within you) consists in  pressing the palms together with the fingertips facing upwards, but I you great someone older than you is commonly the PRAMNA . In Sijs in Punjab India is common to say  SAT SRI AKAL which means " eternal truth is eternal".  Verbal greetings vary between regions and also differ depending on people’s relationships another example ofa common Gujarati greeting is “KEM CHO” (‘How are


Are you interested in Russian? First of all it's important to know that t o understand and speak Russian, you have to have strong knowledge of each letter of the alphabet and its sound. Because, as you will notice some of the sounds don't exist in English!   For example, the word "мама" means "mom" but if a vowel is changed, the word "молоко " means "milk". It is important to keep this in mind to avoid confusion and communicate effectively in Russian. One of the rules is when the  letter O sounds like A:  The first  О  ( O ) stands at the beginning of the word, which is why it’s pronounced as  А  ( A ).  The second  О  ( O ) is in the unstressed syllable right before the stressed one, which is why it’s also pronounced as  А  ( A ) The type of pronunciation when unstressed  О   ( O )is pronounced as   А   ( A ) is called   акание  ( akaniye ) , or ”pronouncing A” in English, be careful  keep pronouncing   О   ( O )without changing it in


  Did you hear the famous proverb " a bird in hand is worth two in the bush. " or " a bad workman always blames his tools. " phrases like these are usually heard by our father or grandfather but in other countries have their own proverb according to the culture and habit. Now we will move to german where people with the passing of time learn different proverbs, especially during war. As everybody now War is, unfortunately, a part of our world, and many proverbs are used about peace, conflicts, winners, losers, and the course of the war.   Have you ever listened to: Besser ein Ei im Frieden als ein Ochs im Kriege . (Better an egg in peace than an ox in war.) this means that is better live in peace and how stay that way. Harren, sehn und schweigen verhütet manchen Krieg. (To await, observe and be silent can prevent a lot of wars.) A lot of conflicts can be avoided if people are patient, and observant and if they think before they speak or act. Mit Speck fängt m


Before starting we need to know a little about history.   First at the age of 711 Muslin conquest the Iberian Peninsula. The Arabic remained in power until the capture of Granada by the catholic monarch in 1942, But some historians mention that a small part of the murders spoke Arabic. In other words, Arabic was spoken only, for prestigious people. Now did  you hear about the expression " ¡Alabín alabán alabín bon ban! "  During a sport event, but  what this phrase means? , province of the Arabic expression   lla'ibín áyya ba'ád alla'ib bón  bád that in Spanish means  "jugadores, venga ya, el juego va bien". Theses the same origin have different expressions and words that we use daily. It's easy to identify most of the words that begin with "AL " that now define the article as  el, la, Los,las in the Spanish language. FOR EXAMPLE: Almohada ( al mihaddah ) or  albañil ( al bannā' ) , most word that begins with the letter A  have the